MLM Individuals (Distributors)

Services For New & Seasoned MLMers (Individual Distributors)

(702) 842-2661

A Bit About What We Can Do.

What is your vehicle for financial freedom? If you have a desire to learn more about this industry and become successful, now is the time. Learn from an objective person, someone who is neutral and who will not become your sponsor and make money on everything you do. I’m not a sales person! I’m a Direct Selling Compliance Expert.  Allow me to introduce you to our industry and how you can start your own home-based business. The first thing you must do is find a product you LOVE (not one someone is affiliated with). The more you love a product, the easier it is to share it with others and naturally build your business (not seem like a scam artist)

The Services We Offer.

MLM Stalker

The MLM Stalker Is a Free Resource That Aims To

- Provide You With Tips Regarding Ethics of MLM

- Provide You With Tips To Avoid "The Stalker Vibe"

- How to Avoid Companies With Scamish Culture

- Click Here To Learn More About The MLM Stalker

MLM Books

We Offer 3 World Class Books That Are Beneficial For All Levels

- Network Marketing Dictionary By Doris Wood (One of the First MLM Millionaires)

- We've Only Just Begun By Doris Wood - The History of Our Industry

- Compliance Solutions By Donna Marie (Donna Marie Has Been Crowned "The Compliance Queen"

- Click Here To Visit Our Library

MLM Squared

- Learn The Benefits of Starting a Home Based Business

- Learn The Payment Structures & How To Read Compensation Plans

- Find Out How To Choose A Product, Service, & Company That Fits YOU.

- Click Here to Learn More about MLM Squared

Why Trust Direct Selling Solutions?

Keeping Your Protected Since 1991
Founded By The Queen of Compliance
Full Team Specializing in Compliance
We Know The Ins & Out of FTC
Access To the Nations Best Attorneys
We Know What Products Have a Good Reputation
We Run Free
We Provide Resources For Executives & Distributors
Recommended By The Best In The Industry

What They Are Saying

These are letters from some of the most respected businesses, distributors, and legal counsel in the United States.

Call Now For a MLM & Direct Selling Consultation
(702) 842-2661
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